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PGMTP - Chapter 2

 PGMTP - Chapter 2

Suddenly, light poured out on a pitch-black night.

I had been floating in darkness for quite some time, so the situation was unexpected. I couldn't open my eyes for a while due to the light pouring out in the darkness.

"What's this?"

Am I finally going to heaven or hell? Whether it's heaven or hell, I had to be reborn to take revenge.

I kept my eyes closed for a long time and slowly opened them.

I saw the ceiling.


What kind of house has such a high ceiling?

If there's a chandelier on the ceiling, I'd have to fly to the sky.

Is it possible in another world?

'It can't be where the giants live.'

I tried to move my arms to get up, or more accurately, to support the bed with my arms, but something was short.


What's this "Bu"?

As I waved my arm in the air, I saw something like an octopus leg wriggling.

I was a little surprised by the sight of me flapping both arms.


Oh, so who keeps making so much noise...!

"Bu, Bu! Buuu!"


It feels like something is very close.

This voice. This unbelievable voice. Whose voice could it be?

I don't know how sluggish my body feels. And I can't even speak properly, like a child...?


No, it can't be.

'Could it be that I've been reincarnated?'

No, that can't be true.

And even if I were reincarnated, wouldn't it be even stranger that I remember things? It's terrifying.

Or maybe, luckily, I'm still alive and my body is just difficult to use...!


At that moment, a huge face suddenly appeared over the bed.


Gosh, I was surprised!

The face is so big. Or am I just small? Why do you look like a giant? Am I really a child now? Am I really an incompetent child who can't speak or move...?

"You're being noisy. Eat this."

It was a woman who looked like a maid.

After putting something in my mouth, the maid immediately started shaking the blankets next to me.

Dust, dust... dust!!


I sneezed uncontrollably.

No, why are they treating a child like this? Isn't the child a valuable national asset? How precious is a wizard child? No, why would someone hire a maid and treat a child like this...?

"Wait, is it true that I'm on duty to take care of the child this week? I can't believe it."

'Is that the imperial language...?'

Suck, I tilted my head while vigorously sucking on what I had in my mouth.

They don't use the imperial language in Sillophia.

The language commonly used in Sillophia was ancient language.

Each country had a unique tone in the imperial language, especially the accent that was typical of the Empire or its surroundings.

Suck, suck.

Oh, my arm is moving.

It's finally moving.

I struggled and flipped my body over. I pushed my arms and legs with all my might and stood up.

My head felt heavy and kept bowing down.

Suck, suck, I vigorously sucked on the pacifier and grabbed the prison-like bars on the baby bed.

I couldn't get out and felt trapped like in a prison, but I could see outside.

'Oh, am I really a baby...?'

Even as I sucked on the pacifier, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being in a daze.


I worked hard to finally live comfortably, how could this happen?

I lost everything I had and all I gained was a thin, helpless baby body.

I was filled with anger at the injustice.

I swung my arms and legs and shook my head, denying reality and tearing my short hair out before burying my face in the bed.

After denying reality for a long time, I was finally able to look around slowly.

"Why is it so barren in here?"

There was nothing in the empty room except for a baby bed and an old, unused bed.

There are no decorations, no flower vases, and not even any people. The only presence is the maid who dusts off the furniture next to me.

"Oh my, what is it? Did you just flip over? Geez, even though you have a half-bloodline..."

No matter how you look at it, I can't be just born and be so far away from a newborn, even though I was born into a wealthy family.

Could it be that I'm not even reincarnated? What year is it now?

'Is this the empire?'

Of all things, it's the empire.

There are many places that use the imperial language, but the first thing that comes to mind with this distinctive accent is the Heyrun Empire.

I seem to have been born into a certain noble family, but I'm not sure which one.

'I wonder if this is the right transmigration.'

I don't know which is which.

What's important now is that I'm alive and haven't lost my memory.

And I'm trapped in a baby crib, and I know I'm not being treated well.

Until a moment ago, my head was a little dizzy, but now it's clear.

I suck hard on the nipple, as much as it spins. I can't hold onto it because I don't have the strength in my hands, I might turn around again.

Standing on all fours is also a limit.

After shaking my trembling legs, my body relaxed.

In the end, I turned over.

'I can't walk around like this.'

Where am I in the first place? I want to gather some information.

'They're not keeping me here forever, are they?'

In this small, cramped, and terrible baby crib.

'Hey, can you look at me?'

Let me down. No, what on earth is the caretaker doing with such neglect of duty?

No matter how much I cry, it's no use.

'Did they block their ears?'

I'm getting annoyed.

As I thrashed and screamed, I suddenly noticed an empty flower vase sitting in front of the window.

Can I use some magic? I decided to try to confirm something I hadn't checked before and flipped over onto my stomach.

Then, with my eyes closed, I clenched my fists and tensed my legs, trembling with effort.

Squeak! Creak!

It might seem strange in posture and sound, but I should pretend not to notice.

I groaned and strained, moving my barely perceptible magic around inside my body.


"Oh my goodness!"

The sound of a scream from a maid echoed as the vase shattered into tiny pieces.

I opened my eyes in a flash.

Sweat was streaming down my face, but at least I knew something now. Fortunately, I can use magic. I breathed a sigh of relief.

'At least that's something.'

For now, it seemed my magic was not entirely gone. Perhaps because babies have dulled senses, I couldn't feel it as strongly, but it would soon be fine.

'For now, I need to find out where I am and make a run for it.'

Once I find out what I need to know and prepare, I'll make my way back to Sylphia and get rid of all the traitors.

"What the hell is going on? Why did something that was perfectly fine just fall and break like that?"

The maid grumbled that there was nothing to be done and left the room, leaving me alone.

I rose to my feet on all fours.

How old am I exactly? Judging from my muscle development, I must be about ten months old or so.

I had learned about human physical and developmental processes from a book, but it wasn't very clear.

But why am I so weak and powerless?

"Revenge is... What..."

It would be difficult to even go to Melaine with this body right now.

At least until this body grows to a certain extent, confronting Melaine would be impossible, not even a dream.


Even though I was young, a sigh escaped me involuntarily.

By the way, she wouldn't really leave me stuck in this bed, right? Let's get out of here first and then see.

I closed my eyes tightly and made desperate efforts to lift my body. After groaning and moaning, my body finally floated up.


I opened my eyes boldly, then gulped nervously.

'Go outside the bed... to the floor...'

If I relaxed my body even a little bit or stopped using magic, I would probably face-plant into the marble floor right away.

I moved my eyes and body strenuously.


Fortunately, I didn't hit my face on the marble floor.

I slapped my arms and legs hard while biting my lips. I need to get out of this room and figure out where I am.

'My knees hurt.'

It's a structure that doesn't consider the baby at all. Where the heck is this mansion that doesn't even have a rug in the room in the first place?

With a snort of annoyance, I walked to the door.

"Wow, what's going on? How did you get out? Are you crazy?"


Oh, I forgot there's a time limit. And of all things, I got caught by a maid again.

As the maid lifted my body, I saw my reflection in the mirror near the door.

'Silver... eyes?'

With my eyes wide open, I had a pacifier in my mouth, swinging back and forth in the maid's hand.

I saw that my thin dark blue hair was tinged with silver.

'Silver eyes? The Heyrun Empire?'

As the two thoughts overlapped, there was one family that came to mind.

Somehow, a sense of unease crept into my mind.

"Ugh, how the heck did you get down? Did you roll?"

Ask the baby a hundred times, can I even answer?

'Is this really not the stupidest thing ever?'

She looked at the maid with disdain, but the maid flipped my body around without any care and sighed when she saw that there were no bruises.

'Well, I feel like I might be a valuable child.'

Anyway, if the maid was taking care of me and paying attention to the injuries on my body, there must be something, right? Silver eyes were not common in the first place. Even though I've been wandering around here and there, I've rarely met someone with silver eyes.

'Surely not.'

I tried to deny it and shook my head.

The maid looked at me strangely and roughly covered me with a blanket.

"You should sleep now."

Then she snatched the pillow away.

'My pillow...! Give me my pillow back!'

I tried to reach for it, but my hand wouldn't move again like it was frozen.

I opened my eyes drowsily. I was trying to think of something just a moment ago...


There was something in the Heyrun Empire.

'What was it?'

Without realizing it, my mouth hung open.

After a big yawn, my eyelids became heavy.

I saw the maid placing the pillow near the window.

'That pillow...'

I couldn't think of anything else to ask. It was really not funny.