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IFHWPML - Chapter 1

IFHWPML - Chapter 1

"Do you both sincerely love each other and vow to be together for the rest of your lives?"



The answer came from him without a moment's hesitation.

On what should have been the happiest day of his life, the expression on the groom's face was far from warm.

Yet there was a satisfied smile lurking at the corners of his mouth, known only to himself.

On the other hand, Werazel could only stare blankly into the empty air, unable to answer the minister's question.

Because once she said 'Yes' she wouldn't be able to take back everything.

'Am I really getting married?'

In reality, one cannot predict the future with certainty.

She had never dreamt of marrying him.

Of course, all of this had been her choice, but...


Her startled body trembled at the voice that broke the silence.

She slowly raised her head and saw the man in front of her, dressed in a sleek black suit, shining like the groom of a wedding.

His face, as if meticulously carved by a sculptor's lifelong dedication, was perfect.

Eyes like red diamonds embedded in a sharp arrowhead-shaped nose, lips firmly pressed together.

Truly, perfection personified.

He had a much taller height and broader shoulders than most adult men, and he never neglected his training even for a single day.

Thanks to that, the outline of his well-defined muscles, which couldn't be hidden even when he wore clothes, was solid and sexy enough to set many women's hearts on fire.

Furthermore, the formal attire he was wearing was made of the finest fabric, and it was the only one of its kind in the entire empire, born from the hands of a famous designer.

The formal attire was so clean that not even a speck of dust could be forgiven, and there wasn't a single wrinkle to be found.

His usual pursuit of perfection and meticulous nature as a duke was evident in every detail.

Along with his formal attire that exuded the scent of wealth, the dress she was wearing was no different.

The custom-made pure white wedding dress by the designer could easily be said to be the most expensive dress in the world.

The silk-made dress had a subtle sheen, giving it a luxurious look, and the round neckline that revealed her shoulders was adorned with silver lace, pearls, and ruby embellishments, making it magnificent.

The mermaid fit of the dress clung to her body, and hundreds of tiny pink diamonds adorned it, giving it a natural sparkle.

It was the formal attire of a noble groom and bride befitting a prominent family within the empire.

The wedding of the two took place in a temple, and only close relatives were invited as guests.


Lezel looked silently at Chester, who was calling him. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Will you not answer?"

He spoke in a very gentle tone, filled with kindness and affection that could make any woman's heart flutter.

"Do you, Werazel Frosie, solemnly swear to love and cherish your groom, Chester Heillos, with all your heart and be together with him?"

The minister asked again, facing the bride who remained silent.

With that question, a quiet voice came from the front row of the guests.


Her head turned towards the front row, where a little boy dressed in a tuxedo was looking at her.

She couldn't turn back now. With the money she was going to receive, she could live comfortably for the rest of her life. Just one year. One year of living without financial worries.

"Ha... Yes."

"We will now proceed with the exchange of rings, symbolizing your love for each other."

At the minister's words, the two of them took out the rings they had been holding.

A ring with a 19-carat pink diamond was slipped onto Werazel's left ring finger. It fit perfectly, as if it was custom-made for her.

Then, Werazel put a simple ring with a small diamond on Chester's finger.

At that moment, Chester had a satisfied expression that only he knew.

"And now, I declare before the statue of the Armican goddess that these two have become a married couple."

The minister bowed with a sacred heart in front of the statue of the goddess.

Werazel also followed Chester's lead and bowed her head before the statue of the Armican goddess, who was also the guardian goddess of the empire.

However, Werazel's face was filled with various worries, as it finally dawned on her that she was now married to Chester Heillos, the Duke.

* * *


Werazel lay on the wide bed in the now empty room.

It had been a long day. She had woken up before dawn to get ready and the hectic wedding ceremony had finally come to an end.

But that wasn't the end of it. It took another hour or so to take off all the accessories she had worn for the wedding ceremony.

Even just removing the hairpins was a painful ordeal, as there were dozens of them, and only after enduring the agony of pulling her hair could she finally feel free.

Once all the bustling servants had left and the tranquility settled in, it brought a sense of peace to her weary ears.

It had been a day filled with noisy sounds all day long, and her ears had suffered.

Knock knock.

She heard a knocking sound on the door.

"Come in."

She answered without much thought, assuming it was Tia coming in with a cup of warm tea.

"Are you ready?"

However, the voice that came through was deep and rough.

"Tia's voice couldn't possibly sound like this...."

Werazel was startled and sat up abruptly on the bed.

"Why are you here...."

Her eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, there was someone standing in front of her.

Chester's appearance in a relaxed attire made Werazel's face flush in an instant.

"What's with the outfit!"

She quickly averted her gaze, but the glimpse of his solid muscles through the thin robe made her cheeks burn.

"It's a suitable attire for embracing a bride."

Chester's playful voice surprised Werazel.

"What did you say?"

Embracing the bride? So that means....

"Today is our wedding night."

Did he just say it's our wedding night? That was not part of the contract!

And why is he suddenly using informal language?

Werazel shook her head, trying to confirm if her ears were playing tricks on her.

"After getting married, it's only natural to spend the wedding night. I'm ready, but do you need more time?"

However, the voice that followed was even clearer, piercing into her ears.

As if struck on the head, Werazel's mouth hung open in shock.

"Oh, no... What is this now...?"

Chester moved towards the bewildered Werazel with slow steps.

One step, another step.

The moonlight faintly illuminated his muscles, visible between the gaps of his open gown, twinkling in a way that would make anyone's heart skip a beat.

The well-sculpted and toned contours of his muscles seemed almost artfully crafted, tempting the taste buds...

No, this isn't right. Werazel regained her senses belatedly and shouted.

"Oh, please don't come any closer!"

Werazel staggered backwards as Chester approached.

But there was nowhere to escape, and she bumped into the head of the bed.

"Well, you don't really need any preparation for the wedding night."

Chester, who had approached the bed without Werazel noticing, climbed onto her body, which was now quivering.


As his face suddenly came close, Werazel gasped in surprise, holding her breath.

"Don't even think about falling asleep tonight."

His voice, filled with an eerie allure, echoed through the room.

Along with his intense gaze and hot breath, Chester's lips approached Werazel's.