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IFHWPML - Chapter 7

 IFHWPML - Chapter 7

- That night -

Werazel covered Laphel's body with a blanket as he lay in bed, making sure there were no gaps for the cold air to seep in.

"Sleep well, Laphel. See you in the morning. If anything hurts or makes you uncomfortable, just pull this cord, okay?"

Her gentle touch caressed Laphel's smooth hair before slipping away.

"Ah, don't go!"

Laphel grabbed her hand tightly as she was about to leave, looking like she might burst into tears at any moment.


Worried, Lizelle approached Laphel.

Transparent tears were welling up in Laphel's eyes before he knew it.

"Are you okay? What hurts?"

"Don't leave me..."

Laphel's small hand clung tightly to Lizelle's finger, as if not wanting to let go.

His tearful eyes were fixed on something.

Werazel couldn't help but realize that it was the empty space beside Laphel, who was lying alone on the wide bed.

"Should we sleep together?"

Lizelle wiped Laphel's tears away with a gentle smile.

Perhaps he had thought it might be more comfortable to sleep alone, but it seemed not.

It was natural to fear being alone for a child who had spent many nights alone in a garbage dump... but Lizelle had not thought about it.


Laphel quickly wiped away his sad expression and smiled brightly, quickly moving aside to make room in case Werazel left again.

In that desperate state, Lizelle's heart ached. She regretted her decision to leave the child alone to sleep and quickly snuggled up next to Laphel, heaving a sigh of relief.


Laphel chuckled softly as Lizelle lay down next to him.

The terrifying nights spent alone and lonely in a garbage dump, unable to find the warmth of another human being, were now a thing of the past. The nights spent trembling with fear and tears, fearing that the dark and scary monsters would come and swallow her whole while crying out for her mom and dad with her eyes closed and her ears plugged, were now gone.

Now, Laphel could sleep in a soft, comfortable bed with a warm blanket, knowing that she had someone to share it with. She smiled happily at the thought.

"I'll stay by your side, so you can sleep soundly, Laphel."

Lizelle gently patted Laphel, who had turned to face her.


Feeling the comfort of not being alone, Laphel's eyes gradually closed as he began to doze off.

"Keep on dreaming, Laphel."

His chest rose and fell rhythmically, like a little bird breathing.

"Have sweet dreams, Laphel."

It was deep into the night.

Werazel didn't stop caressing Laphel for a long time even after he fell asleep.

She hoped the child would have a peaceful dream without nightmares.

For her, sleeping while feeling someone else's warmth was a long time since she last felt it.

That's why her empty heart felt as if it was filled, and she felt emotional.

Werazel decided to postpone the plan to go see the Duke immediately after finding Laphel.

Since Laphel has not fully recovered yet, she would wait until he regains his health.

Just a little longer until then.



The sound of their breathing subsided quietly in the room.


"So, we're just keeping Laphel with us until he recovers and then we'll go find Heillos" Lujel explained to his parents.

Lizelle, who came down with Laphel at her father's call as soon as the day broke, sat on the sofa with him since the child didn't want to be separated from him and clung to him.

"This child...."

Baroness Rozalli looked at Laphel sitting in front of her with trembling eyes.

She couldn't see him well yesterday because he was covered in dust, but after washing him, his black hair became very clear.

Especially those eyes, even those red eyes full of anxiety.

It was a perfect symbol of Heillos.

"I see."

The Marquis and his wife didn't say much. They just admired Laphel's.

The story of the Duke of Heillos, who died tragically in a carriage accident, was a very famous incident in the Empire.

It was even featured in a special report in the newspaper.

According to the article, the woman who was riding with the Duke also died instantly at the scene.

So the little child had lost both parents in an instant.


Laphel grabbed onto Werazel's clothes, fidgeting with her small hands.

The gaze of the Baron and his wife, who were looking at her, was unfamiliar and frightening.

"It's okay, Laphel. They are my parents."

She patted Laphel's head very gently and comforted him as he looked at her warily.


"Yeah. They are my mom and dad. They will never harm you. So you don't have to worry."

"Lizelle's Mom, Dad?"

When Laphel heard the words "Mom" and "Dad," she looked at the Baron and his wife with wide eyes.

"It's okay, dear."

Finally meeting her gaze, Rozalli gave her a warm smile.

That smile was very similar to the one next to her, Werazel.

"It's two Lizelle!"

Laphel looked back and forth between Rozalli and Lizelle, amazed. Even looking at them again, the two had very similar atmospheres and faces.

"Do we look alike? It's because we're mother and daughter."

Lizelle chuckled at Laphel's cute reaction.

Even the parties involved could tell that the appearance of the Viscountess and herself were quite similar.

She had inherited her mother's bloodline almost completely, but her hair color was the same as her father's.

"What about me? Do I not resemble Lizelle?"

When only the wife was mentioned, the Baron leaned forward slightly, revealing his face to Laphel with a hint of disappointment.

Laphel alternately looked at the Baron and Lizelle, then shook his head vigorously.

"No! That's not Lizelle!"

"Hahaha. Lizelle looks more like me than you, Baron."

Rosalli suppressed a laugh at Laphel's reaction.

The Baron, who was strongly denied, stood up from his seat with a sullen face.

"Let's finish the meal now."

Unable to hide his frustration, the Baron walked away first.

Rosalli and Lizelle smiled at each other, looking at the Baron's attitude.


"Do you still think it makes sense that you haven't found it yet?"

The voice that filled the dark basement was low and deep.

The men who were kneeling in front of the voice owner were holding their breath, watching each other.

There were looks that urged someone to speak up first and make some excuses.

"No answer?"

"I searched around, but couldn't find even a single strand of hair."

"Are you playing a joke on me? Finding that is your job!"



The frustrated owner finally kicked the man's stomach. The man curled up in pain, groaning.

Onlookers nearby were also surprised and lowered their heads.

If they didn't do this, the owner's fierce and brutal punishment would come their way.

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Even if it's a corpse, find it."

The words were cruel beyond imagination. The employer's face was covered by a mask, but the revealed mouth was wicked and sly like a devil's shadow.

"If you can't find it, prove to me that the kid is dead right in front of my eyes!"

The sharp and nervous voice echoed in the underground.

"Yes, yes! Please give us a little more time, we will definitely find it!"

A thick contempt shone in the eyes that looked down at the trembling guild members lying face down.

He walked past the men, poking them with his toes one by one.

However, his anger did not dissipate. They were pitiful creatures.

"One month, no more."

The merciless tone contained old anger that was too old to be guessed at.

"Thank you."

Leaving the guild members behind, the employer walked up the stairs to the surface.

A small sapphire embedded in the mask that the employer was wearing sparkled in the sunlight that came in with the creaking sound of the iron door.

The blue light of the sapphire briefly illuminated the underground like an illusion before quickly disappearing.