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PGMTP - Chapter 11

 PGMTP - Chapter 11

I didn't encounter anyone while coming to the room.

I pushed my body through the partially open door and closed it using my magical powers.

Judging by my sour mood, it seemed like I needed to suck on some sweet honey and chew on fruit to improve it.

'Well, at least there are people who will save me.'

When I tried to show some restraint, my eyes blinked foolishly. It was a pathetic sight, the father running eagerly towards his child.

'Foolish people.'

I shook my head with a pitiful feeling.

'My knees hurt.'

To make matters worse, my knees hurt, which made me even more irritated.

Despite having trained my knees for a while, they still hurt from time to time.

I crawled to the center of the room and sat down on the floor, resting my bottom against it.

As I straightened my short legs, the dirty hem of my clothes came into view. I used my small palms to wipe my knees gently.

'Oh, my poor knees.'

If I keep this up, my knees might deteriorate quickly, right?

I brushed off the dirt from my hands and grabbed a handful of tree fruits with both hands.

The only fruit among them was a red bean-sized fruit that fell in between my legs, looking delicious.


I heard the painful cries of a Griffon from outside.

It was clear that it was being subjugated. The sound was so painful that my body twisted just from listening to it.

Regardless, I shoved one fistful of the red fruits into my mouth, one by one.

As I reluctantly pushed it in, the red juice flowed down my lips. Although the sweet juice was dripping down, I felt much better.

Squish, squish.

It was when I chewed and swallowed the fruit in my mouth.

Creak, creak.

The window began to shake with a loud noise.

No matter how indifferent I was to the world, this time the back of my neck felt a little eerie.

Before I could turn my head back, the light pouring in through the window was completely blocked.

As if something was blocking the window.

"Grab him! He went towards the mansion!"

"He's trying to get in!"

Why are the voices coming through the crackling window so urgent?

I barely turned my head while holding the red fruit in both hands.

No, honestly, my neck doesn't turn properly, so I have to wiggle my hips and turn my body.

Right in front of the window, there was a battered Griffon with yellow eyes flickering.

The beast-like creature had four legs covered in brown fur.

Its dull yellow beak looked tough and thick, covered in scratches and scars all over.

It made wheezing sounds as if it was breathing with difficulty. I locked eyes with the Griffon head-on through the window.


The Griffon tilted its head in confusion.

It was more eerie than cute.

That's the reaction the Griffon shows when it discerns its prey.

It tries to determine whether it's food or not, whether it's an enemy or an ally.


'I'm in trouble.'

The Griffon has judged me as its food now.

Gryphons are carnivorous creatures.

They don't discriminate between beasts, monsters, or humans when it comes to meat. Moreover, Griffons have exceptional vision and sense of smell, especially for red things.

They've learned that fresh prey tends to have red liquid dripping from it.

And now...

'Of all the situations, this had to happen to me?'

The red juice dripped from my hands and mouth, and it might smell fragrant because of the aroma of the juice, especially since it's a small amount.

I quickly put what I was holding into my mouth and chewed it greedily.

The Gryphon's head is tilting left and right, busy trying to assess the situation.

The moment my hands, stained with sticky red juice, touched the floor, the Griffon roared.


I quickly headed towards the entrance of the room.



With a dull crash, the window shattered into pieces. At the same time, the Griffon pushed its giant face through the broken window.

Fortunately, its body was too big to fully enter inside.

...What now?

It broke through the wall with the window. I hurriedly tried to exit the room, but the door was locked.

I needed to use magic to unlock it, but I had already used up my energy today.

Moreover, in this situation, I couldn't even take a stance and concentrate.

'What should I do?'

There had to be a way to drive that thing away.

I knew dozens of Griffon's weaknesses, but there wasn't a single one that I could exploit with the baby's body.

I couldn't lower its body temperature drastically by exploiting Griffon's weakness in the inside of its wings or its mouth, or using its other weakness, rapid temperature changes.

'Oh, maybe that...'

I confronted the Griffon for a long time.

Among the many fruits and leaves I had gathered, there was a smell that the Griffon disliked.

If I mixed it and spread it, it would become so toxic that it would even impair the Griffon's sense of direction.

Having thought that far, I rolled my eyes and attacked the Griffon.

suck, suck, suck.

I hated myself for sucking on the pacifier while my life hung in the balance.

The personality of the Griffon that I had experienced was extremely vile and cunning.

This Griffon doesn't kill its prey right away. It rolls its prey back and forth between its legs for a long time...

It teases and plays with its prey as if it's about to kill it, but eventually, when the prey gets exhausted and gives up, it slowly finishes it off.

I quickly crawled towards the spot where I had gathered leaves, branches, and various fruits.

Perhaps because I had rushed too much, my knees, which hit the hard marble floor with a thud, were in pain, and my expression involuntarily contorted.

'These leaves!'

The unripe fruits I had been eating earlier were blue when mashed with rose leaves, creating

Sharent Clown was unlucky, so I'm glad I plucked a few of these...! Gryphons, whose sense of smell is extremely sensitive, lose their sense of direction and sometimes even their vision temporarily when exposed to this scent the smell that Griffon hates the most.

I'm glad Sharent Clown was unlucky and only managed to bring a few...! It is said that Griffon, whose sense of smell is extremely sensitive, loses its sense of direction with this smell and occasionally even loses its eyesight temporarily.

I held a fruit in one hand and a rose leaf in the other.

And then, using gravity magic, all I had to do was flick them towards its face...! But, what should I use to mash them...? I held the leaf and fruit in each hand and blinked my eyes.

The Griffon watched me silently, then blinked its eyes along with me. It then tilted its head, making a growling sound.

I wasn't skilled enough to manipulate magic with such precision to crush something like this.

The most I could use right now was basic gravity magic, at the very least.

Or I could use my magical power to turn the doorknob.

Usually, to break something like this, you would need something heavy like a rock... or a rock-like object...

'Darn it, there are no rocks!'

I hastily gathered what I had in my hands into one pile. Then, with my hands clasped together, I exerted force.




Where are the raindrops falling from? Even though the floor was made of marble, I could barely hear the sound of the droplets falling.

Embarrassed, my face turned red.

I slowly lifted my stiff head.

Despite the small amount, the griffin shook its head left and right as if it was feeling uncomfortable.

Judging from its painful movements, fortunately, it seemed to be effective.

'If I give a little more strength here...!'


My short arms trembled.

I clenched my teeth and exerted more strength.

Heat rushed to my face.


The griffin's body jerked violently with each drop that fell.

It was fortunate that the griffin had a very keen sense of smell. If I could have exerted a little more strength, it would have been better.

'Just a little more...'

As I thought that,


Something was stuck right next to where I was sitting like a wedge.

When I turned my creaking neck, I saw sharp claws.

A chill ran down my spine.

Instinctively, I realized. I can't catch that guy by squeezing this fruit. In fact, I don't have time to squeeze this fruit here.

I threw what I held in my hand with all my strength, but the fruit and leaves fell to the ground intact.

The fruit even rolled around. To my surprise, it remained in its original shape.

I desperately squeezed it with both hands and sucked it greedily.

What the hell is this disgusting fruit. My rapidly beating heart began to calm down in an instant.

The griffin, who was writhing in pain and had his eyes turned red, lifted his front paw with a snap.

Damn, I touched it, but I touched it wrong.

I quickly stood up on all fours.

After that, I literally ran for my life.

It's pathetic, but I have no choice but to endure. If I endure, Sharent Clown will come to catch this for sure to protect his house.

His beak kept poking at me relentlessly.

I moved zigzaggedly, taking advantage of the griffin's weakness in changing direction.

It couldn't have been a more desperate moment.

The problem was that my stamina was far behind the griffin's.

Yeah, my struggle didn't even last 3 minutes. In the end, I was caught by its claws and rolled on the ground.


At that moment, the door creaked open.

Just in time, as the griffin's mouth opened threateningly, as if it would swallow me in one gulp.

'You waste your steps unnecessarily.'


And with a cold voice, the sound of wind splitting more solid than swinging a sword was heard.

I reflexively closed my eyes.