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PGMTP - Chapter 14

 PGMTP - Chapter 14

"It's also quick despite being small."

He didn't seem particularly displeased.

I just stared at Deshar Clown from a distance.

"We can't keep staying here, so assign a few maids and give her a new room."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Kant bowed politely and answered.

The butler approached me with a neat step and reached out his hand to me.

I wouldn't have to go out to collect if I hugged him...

'It's not comfortable to rely on these guys.'

But I don't really have the heart to kill them.

And there was an urgent need for someone to clean the new and old areas.

Yeah, for now, my side is more important.

Since I'm not hugging the bloodline of the Clown family, should I compromise up to this point?

I willingly hugged the butler Kant who approached.

But Deshar Clown's expression was strange as he watched me not running away.

"Hmm, it's comfortable to hug like this."

Was it strange that I, who was screaming in terror, didn't make a sound? Sharrent Clown was also looking at me.


Deshar Clown's forehead creased even more.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm not sure, but judging by the pronunciation, he might be calling you 'dad'..."

My mouth hung open at the butler's words.

"Pabo!" (Idiot!)

I spoke again, forcefully using my tongue.

'Fool, you're such a fool! Even if I am a baby, my pronunciation couldn't be this bad!'

I shook my whole body, but no one paid attention to me.

Finally, when I gave up struggling, I heard a low chuckle from beside me, like a gust of wind.

"I don't know how it sounds to you father, but to me, it sounds like she's cursing," the clown, Sharent, said with a smirk.


'Correct! You did it! You're the answer! "Dad", don't say such terrible things,'

I waved my arms up and down vigorously.

Sharente still smiled and glanced at Deshar, the other Clown.

"Do you remember what this little one's name is, sir?"

Deshar's mouth tightened at the question, unsure.

Whether they were lost in their own thoughts or not, I yawned and leaned my heavy head on the comfortable shoulder of the butler who was holding me.

He adjusted me slightly, making it easier for me to lean on his shoulder.

'Come to think of it, I don't even know my own name.'

I hadn't been called by my name since I got here.

But I didn't care if I had a name or not.

"Kant, do you remember?" Sharent asked.

"If my memory serves me correctly, I remember her as Miss Sherina."

I slowly closed my eyes.

Was I just surprised today? My eyelids felt heavy.

As I leaned my head against the butler's shoulder, my thoughts drifted off.

As I felt myself getting heavier, something fell out of my mouth with a "plop" and onto the floor.

As I belatedly realized that the pacifier was gone, I opened my eyes and saw it rolling on the floor.

'Oh no...'

That was the last thing I remembered.

"I never knew Valian's child had grown up so much. They were just a little ball of flesh back then."

"Well, it's been almost 10 months, so it's not surprising, Father. When you think about it, Kaisen grew up in the blink of an eye."

Deshar Clown nodded as he listened to Sharent Clown's sweet words with his squinted eyes.

The two clowns' gaze turned to Sherina, who was making a loud noise.

The baby who was sucking on their fingers instead of their mouth, and sleeping peacefully, looked very comfortable.

Deshar Clown had been watching Sherina for quite some time.

"Still, that plump little thing seems quite smart. Seeing how they even used their head to survive starvation."

Sharent Clown poked Sherina's forehead with their index finger.

The baby whimpered, then turned their head and rested it on Kant's shoulder.

"Come to think of it, what's this about you picking fruit in the garden?"

"Just as I said. They had the nerve to come into my garden and pick fruit from the flowers I grew."

Their long, white fingers gracefully reached out and turned the sleeping baby's hand over.

Their thumb and index finger held the baby's palm, which was so small that it barely fit in their hand.

Sherina's hand was covered in scars, not at all like a newborn's.

Sharent Clown's eyes widened silently at the sight of the scratched palm, perhaps from thorns on a rose.

Their hand released the baby's hand lightly.

The elegant back of their hand, which seemed like it could hold a crystal wine glass, had bulging veins that made it look quite strong.

"I was considering killing them and covering it up as an accident..."


"I didn't act on it, Father. Please don't speak so frighteningly. I'm trembling with fear," Sharent Clown said with lowered eyelashes.

If one followed the graceful curve of his jawline, they could see the corners of his mouth drawing a line.

"Anyway, I kept her alive because I was curious about what she was trying to do when she was trying to kill me. And also, it's irritating to see her running away from me, thinking she can escape."

This man, who could easily mesmerize anyone, regardless of their gender, with just his words, spoke nonchalantly while trembling with fear.

Sharent Clown wiped his hands with a handkerchief after removing them from the child.

"Anyway, he's just a halfwit, but even so..."

Sharent Clown's pupils slowly rolled.

"I won't allow a lowly servant who doesn't know their place to disrespect me."

Sharent Clown smiled gently as if complimenting someone, and his expression bloomed like a flower.

But the maids who received his gaze began to tremble like a quivering tree.

"If any child in the family dies of starvation, it will bring disgrace to the Clown name once again...."

Sharent Clown's slow-moving gaze finally fell on Kant, who was holding Sherina.

"I trust that you will manage things well so that there are no unnecessary troubles, Kant."

"I will keep that in mind, Your Grace."

While holding the child, Kant slightly bowed his waist to show his respect.

Sharent Clown nodded lightly.

"I will go see Kaisen now, Father."

"Sure, make sure to calm him down since he must have been surprised."


Sharent Clown smiled and gave a light reply before leaving the room.

"And Kant, as I mentioned earlier, take care of it and call the physician to have the child thoroughly examined and submit a report."

"... Physician, you say?"

Kant's expression hardly changed, but there was a hint of unease in his composed gaze.

He asked again without answering.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, I will proceed as you instructed, Your Grace."

Deshar Clown nodded his head.

Even though he had finished speaking, he stood there for a long time.

Deshar Clown turned away from the messy room, where he had been standing for a long time, staring at the back of the sleeping Sherina's head.