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PGMTP - Chapter 8

  PGMTP - Chapter 8

Rustle, rustle.

Throughout the journey, there had been traces of something suspicious, and then, as expected, there was a rustling sound.

I turned my head, holding my breath, wondering who would dare to invade this place so fearlessly.

 '...It's that kid.'  

The dirty blood vessels mixed with the flaws of the Clown Duke's estate, left by my trash-like younger brother.

Sharente Clown hesitated for a moment on whether to draw the sword tied to his waist.

'Should I make an excuse that I accidentally killed the intruder?'

A gruesome thought crossed his mind.

'Father may not stay still about this.'

Sharente Clown respected his father, who was withdrawing as he grew older, without wanting to cause any changes.

A person worthy of respect deserves to receive respect in return.

'...I need to check my hands again.'

He felt like he needed to dig up all the dirt, even if it meant turning everything upside down.

He shuddered at the thought of dirty blood entering his territory.

Sharente Clown walked into the garden with a displeased expression.

"Kaisen Clown."

"...Ah, Father."

Kaisen, who had been holding his crouched legs with both arms, jumped up and quickly brushed off the dirt he had been sitting on with the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry. You told me not to come in without permission..."

"It's fine. There's no reason for you not to be here."

Sharente slowly looked around with a lifeless face.

The garden, which he had meticulously groomed, was a mess. Weeds and dirt were pulled out everywhere, and there were many traces of being dragged.

"Were you here alone?"

"No, there was a baby."

"What were you doing?"

"Um...I think I was playing with a rattle."

A rattle?

Kaisen tilted his head.

It seemed more like he was holding something in his hand and shaking it.

Kaisen remembered the time when he flew in the sky and fell to the ground, and his eyes widened.

"Why did it seem like I was wiping what babies have in their mouths?"

"...Cleaning a pacifier?"

"Yes, that's probably it."

Sharente reached out and patted Kaisen's hair.

He knew that his son missed his mother.

But bringing back a woman who had already left home was a complicated matter for Sharente too.

"Go on, leave now."

"Yes. Uhm... Father."

"What is it?"

"Are you going to scold the baby? Are you going to chase her away or something?"

Kaisen asked with a worried expression, and although he wasn't raised to be particularly soft, he had a slightly clumsy side that resembled his aging grandfather.

Instead of answering, Sharentt clicked his tongue once again.

'...She came all the way here to wipe off the pacifier?'

As far as he knew, the distance from the room to here was quite far.

Whether it was a coincidence, something else, or for another reason.

"Negligence on the job."

Sharentt frowned at the slightly raised grass, thinking that he should cut down the maids.

Anyway, it was not something he liked that someone had invaded his territory.


I opened my eyes with the bright sunlight pouring down on me.

'Hmm, another day where I feel nauseous and the sun is shining directly in my face.'

Usually, baby cribs aren't placed in areas where the sunlight shines in.

'I might get a sunburn at this rate.'

Autumn sunlight is strong enough to ripen crops, so it's common sense to not place cribs in direct sunlight.

I wonder what those maids are doing without even knowing this.

"Well, I guess they know enough."

Still, after cleaning up and a night's sleep, the morning was pleasant with freshly pacifier

'My teeth itch, so I have to keep biting the pacifier.'

I only have my front teeth, which makes me feel somewhat incomplete. Still, drinking only milk every day is getting a little dull. It would be nice if they brought me some snacks occasionally.


My stomach growled loudly.

'Today's meal seems to be running a little late.'

I was vigorously waving my arms and legs in the air while exercising, lost in thought.

It was an exercise to strengthen my arms and legs. I realized I was wasting my energy on pointless exercises, and my stomach growled even louder, as if in protest.

After hearing the loud growling twice, I felt a strange sensation and lowered my arms and legs.

"Did I eat yesterday?"

I had safely made it back to my room without being caught, but I had no memory of having a meal.

There was no news from the maids who had been waking me up since dawn.

What's going on? They surely wouldn't starve me to death like this, right?

Well, of course, I am located in a dark and forgettable corner of the house, and I am a source of annoyance to the maids, and my clothes are dirty... but...


I reached out with my arms and grabbed the baby crib that was like a prison, pressing my bottom against the floor.

But they wouldn't really starve me to death here, would they?

'Is the most terrible punishment after the fire penalty!'

Could it be Sharent Clown? Did she find out that I went into that garden yesterday and ordered me to starve to death...

If it's that despicable person who doesn't hesitate to use any means necessary for his purposes, it wouldn't be surprising.

'Come to think of it, Deshar Clown isn't the type to harm children.'

So, does that mean Sharent Clown decided to starve me because I'm just a baby?

'You are next after Meline, Sharente Clown.'

He commanded not to feed me, a growing baby?

Ugh, I groaned in pain and exerted my strength from my body.

If I want to survive for a long time, it's better not to move as much as possible.

'Let's conserve my strength and find an opportunity.'

Is this the maid's little revenge? Did she notice that I've disappeared? I slumped down.

In this state, using magic would also be a big drain on my energy.

If she just forgot for a moment, she might come back later...

'Let's wait for a bit.'

I crawled around the narrow crib, keeping an eye on the door, hoping it would open someday.

But as morning passed,

And it became noon,

Until the sunset, there was no sign of anyone passing by.


This won't do!

It's clear that they're trying to starve me to death.

I survived somehow, I can't die of starvation.

I'll eat grass or something to survive. I don't want to die until I get my revenge.

'There seemed to be some small fruits there yesterday.'

Or maybe I should find a restaurant and steal something from there. I can't die of starvation no matter what.

I need to handle my magic more precisely for now.

Barely being able to levitate objects with my magic won't be much help.

I never thought I would be threatened for survival since I was a newborn baby.


I was so annoyed that I banged the bed with my arms and legs.

It was a cry in the silence that no one would pay attention to, but still.

'I miss it, it was good.'

It wasn't like this in the old days.

I've been used by magicians and others many times even after my magic manifested.

I glared and then stood up from the spot.

'For now, I should go back to that garden.'

There were some round fruits inside.

'I don't know what they are, but they're fruits so I can eat them, right?'

I should try eating a little and see if there are no side effects, then I'll gather some food and find out the location of the kitchen.

Once I become more proficient in handling magic, I'll be able to pick fruits like apples from trees one by one.


The loud rumbling sound echoed again.

I stretched my body out and shook my head vigorously.

If I get any hungrier than I am now, I won't be able to handle magic. If I can't descend from here, it will be troublesome.

I assumed my position.


I put strength into my legs and body, and my trembling body landed on the floor with a familiar thud.

As my knees and palms touched the ground, a sharp pain surged through me.


Looking at my palms, I saw several places where blood had stained them red, and my clothes were torn.

'I can do it!'

After all, it's all part of the training to become stronger.

Even newborn babies get hurt and roll around to toughen up.