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PGMTP - Chapter 6

 PGMTP - Chapter 6


Even though there was nothing in the air, I waved my hands hard. I feel like I should do something, but I don't know what to do.

"Ah, it's been quiet lately."

The maids suddenly came in, shouting something and leaving, but I didn't know what it meant either.

Bored, I put my thumb in my mouth.

'I might remember something while sucking on it......'

"Abubu! Bua!"

"Ah, it's noisy. Please be quiet."

As if annoyed, something went into my mouth.

I was laughing without a care in the world, waving my arms and legs in the air, but suddenly I came to my senses.

All the things I had done before passed through my mind.

Laughing even when hearing complaints and waving my arms and legs as if there was something in the air, etc...


I have to take care of the pacifier.

Time just passes endlessly without it.

'How much time has passed now?'

If I don't have the pacifier, my head won't work at all, which is also a problem. I don't have time to play around like this.

I have to train my magic right away and get the information as quickly as possible.

And I have to go back to Sillophia for revenge and live a strong and young life again.

'I wish I were born into a good family and ate without doing anything.'

Do you want to be trapped in a dirty corner like this room, without cleaning? Even a pig that is being fattened is likely to get more exercise than this!

And I don't even know how remote this room is. It took forever to find the stairs and go down!

I thought about screaming, but all that came out was "Abu" or "Abu woo...." or something like that.


So I gave up on it and kept it clean.

'I must wash the pacifier today.'

I think the reason my head doesn't work as well as it used to is because of the essential item for babies, the sucking, and its dirtiness.

'How long was it buried in a dusty pit?'

It smells nauseating.

'Is it moldy here?'

A body that is full of magic naturally purifies itself with magic, so wizards don't get sick easily and don't get sick from small things.

However, if they can't properly use their magic power or if their magic power goes out of control, it often appears as a disease.

"I should be careful about that too."

If magic power increases too rapidly in a young body, the body can easily break down.

"Stay calm today too. Well, this week seems to have been quiet."


He waved his arms and legs in the air pretending to know nothing and froze.

"Please be quiet today too. Although this past week seemed calm."


Waving my arms and legs in the air as if I didn't know anything, I suddenly froze.

'A week...?'

What kind of nonsense is that?

It was like a bolt from the blue.

Did I really repeat this stupid act for a week or something?

'Eat, sleep, and poop? Did you eat, sleep, and poop?'

The sound of the lock clicking shut was accompanied by the closing of the door.

I desperately put the pacifier into my mouth and assumed a posture called the magic usage posture.

It was a posture that required the most power in the lower body and was the most comfortable posture for using force.


Don't think about it.

My body floated.

It seemed like my magic was getting stiff again after not using it for a week.

It wouldn't move as I pleased.

With a groaning sound, I managed to safely land my body on the marble floor.


The sound of the pacifier in my mouth as I sighed was a bit strange.

Anyway, the next obstacle is...the door.

Unlike last time, this time I closed the door tightly. To open the door, precise manipulation of magic was required.

First, move the magic to grab the door handle and pull it down with gravity.

This may seem easy in words, but it is a very difficult and high-level technique.

It's like trying to do it with a newborn baby's body.

I looked around and lay down on my back.

I lifted my arms and legs into the air and bent them slightly. I closed my eyes and imagined the door and put my magic into it.


A moan of agony came from my mouth.

I felt a drop of cold sweat running down my clammy face.

I made my magic crawl up the door like a worm.

I gave it a push...


I pulled it down.

I heard the sound of the lock being released and opened my eyes.

Yes, I finally did it!

As expected, even though my body was weak, I couldn't stop the greatness of myself.

As a reward to myself, I sucked on the pacifier hard. As I sucked, my tense mind seemed to relax.

I pulled the pacifier out of my mouth and only stuck my head out of the gap between the door and the frame.

I looked around, but there was no one in sight.

Since I saw the path last time, it won't be difficult to find the stairs and go down again.

Last time, I chose the fountain because the pond seemed far away, but...

I won't be fooled this time. I'll go straight to the pond.

There was usually a pond in places where there was a garden, so it seemed like a good idea to head towards the forest.

This time I will definitely wash away the stinky pacifier.

With determination, I quickly headed towards the stairs. Luckily, it didn't seem like anyone was coming up to this floor.

I quickly pulled my buttocks back and descended the stairs from my legs to the bottom. Going down for the second time was easier than I thought since I had already done it once.

I held onto the upper stairs with both hands and stepped on the lower stairs with my legs.

Going down backwards seemed scary, but it was simple.

Crawling down one step, two steps, I found myself on the ground in no time.

I ran to the pillar like last time and looked around. I had to avoid being caught by the maids.

"I'm going to wash the pacifier."

It stinks too much.

There must be no one who knows the contradictory feeling of feeling stupid after washing the pacifier to use my brain.

I held onto the pillar and rolled my eyes, while my legs wobbled and I ended up on all fours.

If only I could use magic, none of this would be a problem.

'My magic....'

How could I end up like this when I had reached this level? How could I let this happen?

If it were a six or seven year old child, I would understand. But to think that it happened to someone who had not been born for long...!

As I let out a deep sigh, the hallway became quiet.

I quickly dashed across the entrance and slipped out of the mansion door, which appeared to be generally open.

'It's over there!' This time, there was no hesitation.

I couldn't bear it any longer, the dusty old broomstick that had been sitting in the corner for years.

As I passed through the hard stone floor and reached the grassy area, my arms and legs ached.

'It hurts.'

I had heard that I shouldn't ride on hard surfaces, but as a half-blood, born into a prestigious noble family, I couldn't stand being looked down upon.

When my knees and palms touched the soft earth and grass, the pain subsided somewhat. However, I soon began to feel the sting of the prickly grass.

'Don't worry, you'll become the strongest wizard in the world.'

I could place the Heyrun Empire and the Clown Duke under my feet.

As long as I existed, all of this would be a given.

My nose involuntarily lifted.

'Come to think of it, my nose seems a bit lower.'

Rubbing my nose with my dirty hands, I tucked my body into the bushes in case someone noticed me.

Throughout the way, there weren't many people, but they were still noticeable. However, on the path leading to the garden, there were no people in sight.

'Should I turn the hideout into a laundry room?'

It's nice and quiet.

With my knee hurting less than earlier, I crawled hard and went a little deeper inside.

As I went deeper inside, there was a pond. It was like a castle garden, with flowers blooming everywhere.

'I found it!'

I finally found the pond.

There was water within reach.

There was water within my reach.

I ran towards the happiness of finally being able to say goodbye to the dusty, smelly ditch that I rolled around in with my laundry.

A dragonfly flew past me, seeming to smirk at me.

'Is it just my imagination?'

It must be.

Even if it's a baby, there's no way I can have a conversation with a dragonfly.

I'm wrapped in inferiority, either because I'm too sensitive or because I'm a little slow...

'Am I just a bundle of inferiority?'

As I thought about it, my mind wandered to strange places. The dragonfly flying over the pond was definitely unlucky...

'What bad luck.'

I sat in front of the pond, reached out my hand, grabbed a nearby pebble the size of my fingernail, and threw it with all my might.


It fell straight down to the ground.

It didn't even make a parabolic trajectory and hit the pond almost directly.

I don't know why the sound of the flying pebble bothers me so much.

I roughly grabbed something nearby without even looking and threw it haphazardly.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

How come I can't make it curve in a parabolic path? Is this baby's strength so weak and stupid?


I'm so frustrated I could die!

In the end, I grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it, causing ripples and staining the once clear and clean pond with muddy water, but the dragonflies continued to fly around peacefully.

'...Aiming magic.'

If I could aim gravity well and compress the air to blow it away, he would fall to the ground and faint. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough concentration and magic power for that yet.

I stared at the dragonfly that had flown away for a long time and then sighed deeply.

'But it's still water.'

Finally, I could wipe off the dust.

I extended my arm, holding the pacifier, and danced with joy in my heart.

The pacifier touched the water...