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PGMTP - Chapter 7

PGMTP - Chapter 7

"Not reaching."

Was the child's body so lacking in flexibility? Or maybe the child's body was so short that she didn't have a spine.

'Why can't I bend my waist?'

Her arms were too short and they couldn't reach the pond from her sitting position.

If she bent their body a little more, her weight would tilt forward because of her heavy head.

If that happened, she would fall into the pond and it would be a bad ending.

She wouldn't be able to use gravity magic in the water due to decreased concentration.

'I need to focus as it is.'

She strained her eyes.

If she didn't come up with a solution, she wouldn't be able to clean the pacifier again.

There was no way to support their body anywhere. It was also impossible to hang a dog collar on their neck and support their neck and reach out her arms.

As she sat with their short arms and legs stretched out, she thought of a sudden idea.

If she couldn't sit, she could lie down.

'I'm so smart.'

How can a newborn baby have such thoughts?

I nonchalantly bit on my pacifier and turned over.

I couldn't let my pacifier get too far away from me. I had to suck on it every once in a while to keep my thoughts together.

With my arms stretched out while lying on my stomach, the water finally rippled.


Yes! I did it!

I held my pacifier tightly in my hand and splashed the water with all my might.

My clothes got wet, and my arms were half soaked, but who cared? I could finally put a clean pacifier in my mouth...

'Why aren't you clean' 

How long has this dirt been on here?


I felt annoyed without even realizing it.

I let go of the floor with one arm and used both hands to wipe at the pacifier.

The newborn seemed to have no strength. The pacifier kept slipping out of her grasp.

I was trying to clean it as thoroughly as possible, but it didn't feel like it was getting any cleaner. Still, the fact that it was wet with water gave me a sense of relief.

"What's wrong?"


Startled, I threw what was in my hand.

The pacifier flew up into the air.

"Who's making that pig squealing sound...."

Oh no, not my pacifier.

It's not about cleanliness right now.

What's important now is that my pacifier is flying in an arc through the air.

Earlier, no matter how hard I tried to make it fly, it wouldn't fly!

I soared into the air and dashed towards the pacifier that was starting to fall.

My two legs were visible but I had to survive first.

Thunk. Thud.

I ran towards it and fortunately I was able to pick up the falling pacifier within 3 seconds.

As a wise person once said, if you pick up food within 3 seconds, it won't get dirty.

"I picked it up in less than 2 seconds, so it was definitely safe."

"Hey, who are you?"

Oh, I heard a voice that doesn't seem like a stranger.

It was a young voice. I blinked my eyes while holding the squeaky clean pacifier and wetting my head.


I've seen this face somewhere before.

Those sharp eyes and black hair, just like... Sharant Clown.

Come to think of it, I've heard rumors that Sharente Clown had a child, but I'm not sure.

"He's a little brat."

Still young.

Although he may grow up faster than me, he won't be able to stand on his own feet faster than me.

Looking at him, he seems to be around five years old, but by the time I was that age, I had already mastered the lower circles and would have exploded a branch office and pretended to die and jump away.

"Has there been someone like this? Are you from the Banggye branch? If you are, you wouldn't be able to come here. You'll be in big trouble if you're caught by my father."

Is he softer than expected?

He doesn't seem like a child of Sharente Clown who is cold-blooded without any tears or blood.

He was known as the "Bloodthirsty Demon" because he was literally a man made of cold iron.

Never hesitating to cut down or even kill his allies if necessary.

Of course, he didn't ignore me, but if I were from an insignificant household, he probably wouldn't have bothered to fight against Archmage Hella.

That's him.

He doesn't treat people who are not capable, even if their lineage is good.

Even if you're talented, if your lineage isn't good, he won't treat you. He was a person who believed that only those who were qualified to mix with him were people who were at his level.

'I realized that's why he sent such a devilish maid to me.'

As the maid began to get angry, I realized.

The one who sent me that maid was Sharente Clown.

'A man with no tears or blood.'

It sends chills down my spine to think it might be my parents or siblings.


Turn off your mind and go your way.

I roughly waved my hand at the little one who looked just like Sharent Clown and crawled back towards the pond.

I managed to pick it up within three seconds, but it still felt a bit uncomfortable, so I decided to wipe it again.

Although it had been thoroughly cleaned so far, it still felt like the smell was being washed away as I continued to wash it.

I flipped over again and dove back into the pond, splashing around.

"You can't be here. My father hates kids like you."

The roots are yellow.

Tsk tsk, it's because they grow up under such a cold-hearted person that they develop this kind of thinking.

I silently answered with effort while casually ignoring the kid.

"You got kicked out? Last time, the gardener came in without permission and got his tendons cut and was kicked out."


He got kicked out just for accidentally going into the garden once?

'What kind of crazy person would do that…?'

Well, of course, rumors about Sharente Clown's insane actions always spread even in Sillophia, where information doesn't circulate well.

At times, due to Sharente Clown, there were so many people abstaining from the Empire and Sillophia's national religious meetings.

If by any chance he opened his mouth, most of the magicians shut theirs.

Anyway, dealing with the Clown family always fell on me and that guy Melaine...

Oh, don't think about it. It makes me depressed. Anyway, he's the one I have to get revenge on.

I had to break him with my own hands. It's my job to break the flower that I grew with my own hands.

"You're still a baby and don't understand, but my father is really scary. You should never get caught. Only those who are authorized can enter here. This is also where Father personally cultivates."

He's the one who designed this garden with such calmness and precision?

Although it does seem fitting for someone of his refinement...

'But it doesn't quite have the flashy, ostentatious feel that he seems to favor.'

It's more sophisticated and elegant, with a subtly old-fashioned and dignified aspect.

It doesn't match the sharp and cool image of Sharente Clown.

"This garden was something that my mother loved."

I get it, but why are you spilling your personal life like this? Can't you see that I'm just a newborn baby? You could have spared me the sudden sentimentality... My tongue is short.



I tried to respond as clearly as possible.

If he's Sharente Clown's child, he's bound to be someone who will fight with Silophia as soon as he grows up a bit. There was no need to treat him kindly.

"My mother fought a big fight with my father and they got divorced."

I don't really want to know about the failed newlywed diary of Sharent Clown.

I turned my body towards the pond and looked at my reflection, which was far from cute.

My limbs were dirty and skinny, and my complexion was grayish. It made me feel a little embarrassed.

"I like my mother. I miss her..."

Looking at the small child who suddenly started to choke up, I blinked my eyes in surprise.

I lay down on the ground and rolled my body around to change direction, then looked at the small Sharent Clown.

He seemed to have been raised a bit strictly, but he was not.

Having incompetent parents is as good as not having them at all. He doesn't seem to realize that giving affection to someone becomes his weakness.

"He'll realize it soon.'

So Sharent Clown probably divorced his wife too.

I don't know. I don't know how to comfort a child who is not okay, and honestly, even if I tried to comfort him, it would only be a lie.

"Hey, where are you going? What if someone sees us?"

I glanced at the small Charente clown and just walked past him without a second thought.

I stumbled and stumbled. I had planned to go in early before getting caught today.

Step step.

The sound of footsteps, with a firm and heavy sound of shoes hitting the ground. It was the sound of human footsteps.

'If you delay, you'll be late!

I rolled over and over, lying down and pushing my body into the bushes.

As I peeked my head out of the bushes, I saw a familiar man with a distinctive gait, walking back and forth as if he had been trapped in the army before. It was Charente Clown.


I let out a deep sigh.

If I had been caught, I would have been in big trouble. The sinews of my still-growing body could have been cut.

As I watched Charente Clown move further away, I crawled out of the bushes and moved my arms and legs vigorously.

I felt like someone was watching me from behind as I crawled desperately. It gave me goosebumps. I moved my arms and legs even harder, though my knees and palms hurt quite a bit.

'Did they hear me?'

If you don't experience hardship, you won't get used to it, so it can't be helped.

I had to crawl for a fairly long time, so I needed to quickly learn how to crawl without hurting myself too much.

I sucked in my breath and left on a long journey... to the room.