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PGMTP - Chapter 13

PGMTP - Chapter 13

"Did you not assign a specific maid, Kant?"

"No, initially I did assign a maid to her, but she quit in the middle of her duties. It seems like the handover was done after her resignation."

Kant, the butler, explained calmly without any hesitation.

He appeared to be in his middle age, and unlike other maids who seemed scared, he was not intimidated by the mansion's atmosphere.

He seemed to know well what our master allowed and what he did not.

'If only there were some secret passage, it would be convenient.'

As I could not go anywhere, I crawled to a place with a wall and sat down, resting my back against the wall.

It felt more comfortable that way. I stretched out my legs and tapped my sore knee with my palm.

'Why does he keep staring at people like that?'

I briefly glanced at the smiling Sharent Clown, wondering what he was thinking, and then turned my head with a grimace.

"Did you know this child was creating a hideout like this?"

Almost seven maids remained silent, not saying anything and staring at me.

Sharenth Clown's gaze, which had been fixed on me the whole time, finally moved away from me.

'This is frustrating.'

I wished there was a way to quickly finish this and give me a chance to escape. Even a small opening would be enough...


There was a small hole in the wall. It seemed like a gap created when the griffin was running wild earlier.

I carefully examined the area near the wall where I was leaning against. If I could just squeeze through, I might be able to get out.


Above all, I should go out to the garden and wash while Sharonett the Clown is here.

I raised my head to look at Sharent Clown and Deshar Clown, who had caught the maids' attention, with a sly expression.

"Looks like you are all deaf."

Sharent Clown laughed. If someone who didn't know saw her kind voice and kind smile, they would be mesmerized.

"Oh no, I didn't know that."

"I didn't know either."

"Me neither...."

As I heard the seven women's responses, I squirmed and wriggled my body as hard as I could.

I touched the palm of my hand on the opposite floor, but for some reason...


For some reason, nothing more came out...?

'Huh? No, this can't be.'

I shook my body as hard as I could from my hips, which were stuck and couldn't get out anymore.

'No way, my hips aren't this chubby!'

I gave up on moving forward and tried to back up, but I couldn't do it as I pleased.

Something was tightly stuck... I felt uneasy.

"...When was the last time you saw Valian's child?"

Deshar the Clown's voice seemed heavier than before.

Regardless of whether she spoke or not, if I couldn't get out of here, I didn't know if I would be a laughingstock for the rest of my life.

"I think it was two months ago."

"I think it was six weeks ago."

"I, I... About a month ago..."

One by one, they stumbled through their words, but their answers seemed honest, whether it was because of their conscience or their lack of courage to lie.

'Well, at least they're not lying.'

I finally gave up on trying to escape from the wall and slumped down, thinking to myself.

The wall was pressing against my stomach, making it hard to breathe, but if I relaxed my muscles, I could at least catch my breath.

In truth, I didn't really blame the maids.

It was a dog-eat-dog world, and those who couldn't survive were simply unlucky.

While the small ones clearly needed protection from someone, it was just a matter of luck whether they had a protector in power or in survival.

Those who were left without protection were bound to die.


Damn it, I really can't get out.

No matter how much I flailed my arms and legs, nothing changed.

I gave up.

Anyway, judging by the way they were questioning, it didn't seem like they were planning on starving me to death, so if I just stayed still, they'd probably let me out eventually.

"So, you mean to tell me that the person who was supposed to look after the kid, hasn't checked on it in two weeks?! You guys are absolutely insane, even if you're crazy, you're insane to the core!"

"Your Grace, I have committed a grave offense. I am sorry, Duke!"

"No one has checked on this place for two weeks."

The soft-spoken Sharent Clown, as usual, interjected.

I couldn't tell what was happening inside, but judging by the coldness below my waist, it didn't seem like a pleasant situation.

What's up with the outburst? Who did push me aside first?

'Oh, I'm hungry.'

I should have eaten more of those fruits earlier.

Still, it's a relief to have a few teeth left, or I wouldn't have been able to chew anything at all.

Although I'm practically stuffing them down my throat.

The same goes for apples, which I couldn't even get in my mouth. You have to be able to eat them first.


Then I heard the sound of a slap.

Without even realizing it, I stiffened my body.

'Who did you just hit?'

This is harsh. Is it because they're a noble's descendant? even if they're an abandoned newborn?

It's funny, but I can't laugh while clinging to the wall. Not for any other humanitarian reasons... I'm just too full to laugh.

"Kant, as the butler in charge of this mansion, how can you neglect your duties like this?"

"I apologize, Your Grace."

"So what did this kid do for two weeks then?"


There was a sudden silence as if a mouse had been killed.

I mean, even if you have arms and legs, you can't get food to eat? Even a kid with only gums can chew and eat something.

'No matter how much I think about it, I seem to be too great.'

I was still thinking while sitting with my butt stuck. Then I stretched out my palm and hit the wall with a thump... No, it was more of a smack.


It hurts!

'Why is this wall so hard?'

Not being able to escape is annoying enough, but my palm hurts too! I'm hungry! My clothes are dirty and uncomfortable!


At that moment, my body fell back.

At the same time, my tight butt felt relieved.

As I slipped out of the wall, many eyes were on me.


When I turned my head to see who was holding onto my back, an unpleasant human was in front of me.

I wrinkled my face.


I'm not sure how my distorted expression looked, but it certainly wasn't good.

Sharent Clown, who always had a smiling face, showed emotional fluctuation to the point where his eyebrows flickered.

I turned my head away from Sharent Clown and looked ahead.

There is Deshar Clown here.

I don't like either side.

The old man who keeps complaining or the man who always has bad luck.

"If no one took care of him, did this baby go out and find food to eat by himself?"

"He stole flowers and fruit from my garden several times."

Deshar Clown exclaimed, "Huh!" as if surprised.

"Is this child about four years old? Kant, how old is this child this year?"

If you're going to have a conversation, give me some space first.

My body was shaking uncontrollably and I couldn't even laugh.

Do I have to shake like this instead of shaking in the air?

Do I have to see the faces of these ugly maids and clown guys in this pathetic state?

"As far as I know, he's about 11 months old now."

"......11 months?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"An 11-month-old went out of this room, brought back fruit, and hid it to eat?"

I shuddered all over at Deshar Clown's bewildered voice.

It's nice to have a conversation, but why are you grabbing my throat right now?

"......yes. Valian, the child's behavior was light, but he had a good sense of humor and was quick-witted."


What do these guys know?

Why are you murmuring about your failed life in front of me?

'Sharent Clown's son talked about Sharent Clown's failed marriage......'

As I screamed like a scream, Sharent Clown put me down on the floor as if he was annoyed.

"You're begging in a vulgar way."


As I screamed, Sharent Clown looked annoyed.

I stood there with my four legs, wondering where to go, when a shadow fell over my head.

Deshar Clown, who bent over and reached out towards me, was standing right in front of me.

Hmph, did I get caught again? I snorted and quickly stepped back.

The speed at which I walked backwards on all fours was impressive even to me.

It's all thanks to my reflex nerves that move away from human eyes.

Thanks to that, Deshar Clown's hand missed me and swiped through the air.

His eyebrows twisted backwards in surprise.